Genius SIS
How we can help
Genius SIS is engineered to deliver exceptional learning experiences by providing an intuitive and robust platform that easily integrate with most major LMSs including Agilix Buzz. This comprehensive student information system will save you time in setting up and organizing your enrollments.
Whether a school, district, or state, this system can work for the individual and the thousands upon thousands of students in your network. Manage your records, enrollments, grades, and financial information securely and with streamlined efficiency. Genius SIS is a user-friendly, cloud based, data management tool that is necessary for effective online education.
Simple sign-up and enrollment
- Connect with your existing LMS and easily connect students to their correct classes.
- Move students as needed to ensure they are in the right courses.
- Track attendance, and provide real-time updates to parents and teachers.
- Oversee tuition, fees, and aid through a set of intuitive financial tools.
- Know that since the data is cloud based, your student’s progress will not be lost due to hardware issues.
Track academics
- Provide detailed reports on student performance and intervention strategies.
- Deep integration with the LMS ensures consistency on grading and quick uptime.
- Centralize learning objectives and other key metrics to save time and effort.
- Communicate with confidence to parents, and students, about their academic expectations.

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